Lanyards - Custom imprinted or BLANK

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with SWIVEL HOOK Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS 286 C Blue is shown
OS705 Macaron "Affordable" Lanyard 3/4" Wide by 36" - Screen Printed 1 PMS Color 1 Side. Multi Colour imprint available add 22¢ per colour. Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors. 10 different optional attachments available. Optional safety break-away clip available.
From $3.50 ea plus HST for One Colour One Sided imprint
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with optional EAGLE CLIP Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS 355C Green is shown
OS375 Macaron "Affordable" 3/4" wide by 36" Lanyard. Screen Printed 1 PMS Color 1 Side Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors
From $3.78 ea with optional Breakaway and Eagle Clip
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with optional KEY RING Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS 281C Blue is shown
OS705 Macaron "Affordable" Lanyard 3/4" Wide by 36" - Screen Printed 1 PMS Color 1 Side. Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors. 10 different optional attachments available. Optional safety break-away clip available.
From $3.58 ea with One Color imprint, Split Ring
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with optional BULL DOG CLIP Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS Yellow C is shown
OS705 Macaron "Affordable" Lanyard 3/4" Wide by 36" - Screen Printed 1 PMS Color 1 Side. Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors. 10 different optional attachments available. Optional safety break-away clip available.
From $4.24 ea with 4 Colour Imprint & Bull Dog Clip
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with optional LOBSTER CLIP Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS 281C Blue is shown
OS705 Macaron "Affordable" Lanyard 3/4" Wide by 36" - Screen Printed 1 PMS Color on 2 Sides. Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors. 10 different optional attachments available. Optional safety break-away clip available.
From $4.00 ea with 2 Sided Imprint & Lobster Clip
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Affordable" 3/4" Wide Screen Lanyard - with optional PVC CLIP Attachment
30 PMS matched Standard Colours available - PMS BLACK is shown
OS705 Macaron "Affordable" Lanyard 3/4" Wide by 36" - Samples shown is Multi Colour imprint on BOTH sides with optional PVC badge clip and optional safety breakaway clip. Thin Polyester - Choice of 30 Available Stock Colors. 10 different optional attachments available.
From $4.76 ea with 3 Colour Imprint BOTH Sides and Breakway Clip
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

"Sublisoft" Sublimated 3/4" Wide FULL COLOUR GRAPHICS Lanyard
Unlimited colours - full colour sublimation BOTH sides
OS756 Macaron Lanyard Sublisoft 3/4" x 36" approx. Sublimation 4 Color Process on 2 Sides Silky Polyester. Perfect for Full Colour images with gradients or photographic quality when spot colours won't work. Unlimited colours, Full Bleed background - BOTH sides included. 10 optional attachments to choose from.
From $4.06 ea with SAME imprint BOTH sides
Allow 3 weeks for delivery
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

Martini Vispak #LTC Tradeshow Classic MADE IN CANADA
25 Standard Colours Available
"LTC" Tradeshow Classic 3/4" wide by 36". Made in Canada - QUICK TURNAROUND Normal leadtime 5-7 days with RUSH service available. A top-selling lanyard since 1999! Knitted, printed and assembled in house! Printed one color one side with choice of basic metal attachment. Over 20 colors to choose from. Add an optional safety breakaway or detachable buckle.
From $3.54 ea with 1 Colour Imprint One Side
Allow up to one week for completion
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces

Martini Vispak #LTC Tradeshow Classic MADE IN CANADA with Detachable Buckle
25 Standard Colours Available - PMS 2945 C Sapphire Shown
#LTC 3/4” wide Tradeshow Classic lanyard printed one color one side with a detachable buckle and choice of standard metal attachment.
From $3.97 ea with One Colour Imprint
Allow up to one week for completion
samples in showroom
Minimum order 100 pieces