Plaques - Individual and Annuals

Annual Black Laminate Plaque 12 Plates - P510AK
P510K - Annual Plaque with Brushed Silver Sublimated Header Plate and Brushed Silver engraving plates - 1.125 x 2.75" Available in 3 sizes P510AK - 12 plates P510BK - 18 plates P510CK - 24 plates
From $105, $115, $125 respectively
Sample in Showroom

Annual Plaque 12 Plates P510A Cherrywood
Cherrywood Laminate
P510A - Annual Cherrywood laminate plaque with 12 postions for recipient plates. Price includes engraved header plate. With Full colour sublimation logo and black text on brushed gold header plate.
$105 with engraving included
Sample in Showroom

Annual Plaque 18 Plates
Cherrywood Laminate
P510B - Annual Cherrywood Laminate plaque with 18 positions for recipient plates. Size 12 x 16". - Price includes engraved header plate. Your choice of Black Brass, Gold or Bronze engraving plates.
$115 with engraving included
Sample in Showroom

Annual Plaque 24 Plates
Cherrywood Laminate
P510C - Cherrywood Laminate plaque - 24 positions for recipient plates. Price includes engraved header plate. Size is 12 x 19" Your choice of Black Brass (shown), Gold or Bronze engraving plates.
$125 with engraving included
Sample in Showroom

Large W7 Annual Plaque 18 x 24 "
Black stained solid walnut
W7 - Large Solid Walnut - Black stained Annual Plaque 18 x 24 inches. Custom Sublimated Header Plate Bright Silver Underlay Engraving plates will be brushed silver with black text. Also available in Walnut colour.
From $350 each with engraving included (Will Quote)
Allow 1-2 weeks for completion
Sample in Showroom

Sublimated Annual Plaque
Black Laminate with Brushed Silver Aluminum
12 x 15" Black Laminated plaque - with brushed silver sublimated plate over bright silver underlay. - . Can use full colour logos and custom layout for recipient plates.
About $139.00 - Will Quote.
Sample in Showroom

Shield Annual Plaque
Solid Walnut
P25E - 18 x 24" Solid Walnut Shield annual plaque. - Can be custom laid out to your specifications with choice of engraving materials. Direct laser engraving into wood is also an option. Will provide layout proofs and quote.
Starting at $300 - will quote
Sample in Showroom

Cherrywood - Black Brass Plaque
Cherrywood Laminate
Sample Cherrywood Laminate plaque with laser engraved black brass plate, bright gold underlay. Available in 7 sizes. - 5 x 7" - 6 x 8", - 7 x 9" - 8 x 10", - 9 x 12", - 10.5 x 13" - 12 x 15"
From $25 - $33 - $39 - $65 -$80 - $110 - $155
samples in showroom

Solid Walnut Bevel Plaque - Black Brass/Gold underlay
Traditional Bevel Solid Walnut plaque. Laser engraved black brass plate (lasers gold) bright gold underlay (gold border) Sizes available: 7x9"/ 8x10"/ 9x12"/10.5x13" . Pricing: $59.95 / $70.95 / $82.95 / $99.95 with engraving included.
From $59.95 with engraving included
allow 1-2 weeks for engraving
Samples in showroom

Black Piano Finish Plaques
Black Piano Finish Hardwood
Sample hardwood black piano finish plaque with brushed silver sublimated plate over bright silver underlay. Sublimation allows for full colour logos. - Available sizes - 7 x 9" - 8 x 10" - 9 x 12 "
From $64 - $74 - $89
Sample in Showroom

Rosewood Piano Finish with Silver Sublimated plate
Solid Hardwood Piano Finish plaque with full colour sublimated brushed silver aluminum plate over bright silver underlay. Available in 4 sizes. - 7 x 9" - 8 x 10" - 9 x 12" - 10.5 x 13". - 11 x 15"
From $64 - $74 - $89 - $109 - $129
Always in stock
Samples in Showroom

Regency Plaque
Piano Finish Rosewood
T17-108300 - Hardwood Piano Finish Rosewood Plaque with laser engraved acrylic plate mounted to plaque. Available in several sizes: - 7 x 9 " - 8 x 10" and 9 x 12". Very stunning appearance.
From $74 - $84 - $99 with engraving included
Sample in Showroom

Certificate Plaque
Cherrywood Laminate
#400W-CW - 10.5 x 13" Cherrywood laminate Certificate Holder - includes clear acrylic lens. - Holds 8.5 x 11" certificate or photo - Vertical or Horizontal orientation. We mount it for you.
Tiered Pricing available starting at $39 for 1 piece
Sample in Showroom

Team Photo Plaque
Black Granite Laminate
9 x 9.5" Black Oak Laminate Slide In Photo Plaque - holds 5 x 7" team photo. - Email us your photo and we can print it and insert it here. Choice of Laser Engraved Black Brass or Black Aluminum plate with gold or silver underlay or Sublimated Brushed Gold or Brushed Silver Plate with Underlay. Price includes engraving and photo mounting.
Tiered Pricing available starting at $45 for 1 piece
Sample in Showroom

Team Photo Plaque
Cherrywood or Black Laminate
9 x 12" Cherrywood or Black laminate plaque - holds 5 x 7" team photo. - Email us your photo and we will print and mount it. Engraving plate is black brass over bright gold underlay. Other engraving plate colours available on request. Also available in Black laminate finish. Price includes engraving and photo mounting.
Tiered pricing available starting at $55 for 1 piece with engraving included.
Sample in Showroom

200AN Green Shooting Star
Green Shooting Star 200AN brass plate on cherrywood plaque. Plaque sizes 7 x 9", 8x 10", 9 x 12". Pricing $47.95 / $52.95 / $64.95 with engraving included
From $47.95 for 7 x 9" plaque with engraving included
allow 1-2 weeks for engraving
Sample in showroom
3 Sizes Available

144100AB Blue Austin Acrylic on black plaque
Blue Austin 144100AB - Blue Marble finish Acrylic plate with gold border accent - engraves WHITE. Mounted on Black laminate plaque. 3 Sizes - 7 x 9" / 8 x 10" / 9 x 12" Priced: $41.95 / $48.95 / $55.95
From $41.95 with engraving included
allow 1-2 weeks for engraving
Sample in showroom
3 Sizes Available

139300 Rosewood scroll plaque
Rosewood scroll plaque 139300 - with laser engraved black brass plate (lasers gold) and gold underlay (gold border) included. 3 Sizes: 7 x 9"/ 9 x 12" / 12 x 15" Priced: $82.95 / $110.95 / $136.95 with engraving included.
From $82.95 with engraving included
allow 1-2 weeks for engraving
3 Sizes Available